Ocean Breeze Apartments

1 Bedroom

Ocean Breeze – it’s called that for a reason… the ocean breeze here envelops all your senses. It’s fresh, it’s clean, and you can breathe easy.

And with each breath, you have the opportunity to unravel those knots within – you know, the ones you perhaps carried with you from busy, stressful lives – well, you’re here now, so just let it all go – you can pick it all up again at the airport upon your departure ! If you want to?!!

To look out from your private balcony, southwards to Phillip Island – is to gaze upon the shifting colours of this island, just 6 kilometres away. Your attentiveness will be captured as Phillip Island can sometimes sport a deep pink hue resting upon the horizon; or at other times, it seems be more pastel-muted and then, some days, the palette appears even more aqua-blue tinted. You can observe this view for hours, and it is never the same.

The seas surrounding Phillip Island give a good indication of where the wind is coming from each day… choppy white-caps and there’s a bit of wind – or ‘dead-flat’ teal, turquoise shades and the World Heritage area of Kingston will be tranquil and sheltered. Our seas are normally moderate except when whipped up by a tropical cyclone. These occasionally cross the island in a north to south-eastern track during summer and early autumn. Ocean currents flow east to north easterly, except during north west monsoon, when they vary greatly.

The beauty of living on an island, is the gathering of local knowledge from consistent observations of seasons and tides – if it’s windy at Kingston, it will be calm and flat at Cascade (on the opposite side of the island). This is often how the suitability of the weather is judged when it’s time to ‘work the ship’ (cargo ship) Well.. mostly in practise… but occasionally we are reminded that we are at the whim of the power of nature and the ocean and our expectations are refuted! Just to keep us on our toes!!

If Kingston has an on-shore wind, it can be a perfect day to go for a forest walk up in the mountain shelters. Even rainy, foggy days are stunningly beautiful here! We are seasonal! Just as we need sunshine, we also need rain… and the intermittent rainy days are welcomed by us locals, as we are reliant upon water tank catchments for our water supply. Rain is embraced… and this is another reminder as to what it’s really like, living on an island, because rainy days don’t usually hang around too long – they tend to keep moving along with wind and ocean currents, and before we know it, rays of sunshine emerge and our forest birds sing some more!

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