Yes! Norfolk pines whisper… They also rustle, murmur, sigh, whoosh, whir, swish.. and breathe.
Our Whispering Pines retreats are nestled within the hillside, so that you feel anchored into mother earth here. Morning light cascades through a dappled forest lens, so that you are awakened with the natural light of the season. And that’s just plain good for your soul!
Your viewshed is our highest points of Mt Bates at 318 metres and Mt Pitt at 316 metres. And as you look from left to right, you can follow the line of the oceanic horizon, amidst pockets of native forest and reserves. This is the framed edges to your Norfolk Island holiday.
Gaze outward and at the same time, anchor your feet to where you stand. Tune in to your senses and really feel your bare feet upon the grass. And just take a breath… it’s fresh, clean mountain air, with a hint of the magnetic ocean salt air. Breathe deeply – because you can!
On Norfolk Island we have 170kms of road – twisting and winding, up and down – within our 5km by 8km dimensions. Unless you are fit and energetic, a hire car is necessary for island exploring. Alternatively you may prefer personally guided bus tours. Don’t rule out your own two feet! Walking offers a very different perspective of the island too! There is local custom when travelling around the island – it’s the Norfolk wave! And we encourage you too, to participate with a wave as you pass other cars or walkers.
The island’s beauty is to be experienced from the bow of a boat – enquire about an around island cruise and make sure your camera battery is fully charged to capture splendid vistas in all directions. Look upwards upon sheer cliff-faces with many seabirds circling and calling, and downwards, through the glimmering ocean depths. You may glimpse turtles surfacing and then diving, or perhaps a pod of dolphins. It is a memorable experience; different every time.
Within our forest walks there are many spots to offer rest with shade and shelter beneath ‘more than 100 year old’ Norfolk Island pine trees. Listen deeply and slow your breathing to an even pace… you’ll begin to feel part of this wonderful, diverse, natural ecosystem of Norfolk Island’s flora and fauna.
What an escape!
Breathe and listen.
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